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Explore Polish History: Visit CHM and the Polish Museum of America!

Step into the world of Polish-American communities and delve into their captivating history and cultural heritage by visiting the Chicago History Museum and the Polish Museum of America.

On May 19, the officers and staff of the PMA had the privilege of attending a special pre-opening event for the new exhibit at the Chicago History Museum titled "Back Home: Polish Chicago." This captivating exhibit focuses on the Polish communities in Chicago, highlighting the journeys of Polish immigrants and their establishment in various neighborhoods. The program featured distinguished keynote speakers, including author and researcher Dominic A. Pacyga, curator Peter Alter, and enchanting performances of Polish folk songs by the Lira Ensemble singers in traditional attire. The PMA proudly collaborated with CHM over the past year, lending artifacts that are now showcased in the exhibit.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the curators and collaborators involved in this remarkable project, including Peter T. Alter, Joanna Wojdon, Rebekah Coffman, and Dominic A. Pacyga, as well as the generous sponsors who shed more light on the vibrant Polish community. We also want to congratulate and express our appreciation to the esteemed guests of the event, including Dr. Paweł Zyzak, Consul of the Republic of Poland in Chicago, as well as the Celebration Committee and Event Co-Chairs: Victoria Granacki, Iwona Przonak, Guillermo Garcia, Vanessa B.M. Vergara, and Joseph Seliga.

The exhibit at the Chicago History Museum opens today (May 20), so we encourage you to secure your tickets now through the CHM website: https://www.chicagohistory.org/exhibition/back-home-polish-chicago/. For a comprehensive experience of Polish-American communities, we recommend visiting both the CHM and the Polish Museum of America. Immerse yourself in a day filled with Polish history and culture!

For a truly immersive experience in Polish history, we highly recommend visiting both the Chicago History Museum (CHM) and the Polish Museum of America. Exploring both museums will provide you with a comprehensive and enriched perspective on the vibrant Polish-American communities. Delve deeper into the rich heritage, traditions, and contributions of the Polish people by immersing yourself in the exhibits and displays at both CHM and the Polish Museum of America. Embark on a memorable journey through history and gain a profound understanding of the cultural tapestry woven by Polish immigrants in America.


Dnia 19 maja pracownicy PMA mieli zaszczyt uczestniczyć w specjalnym wydarzeniu poprzedzającym otwarcie nowej wystawy w Chicago History Museum pt. "Back Home: Polish Chicago", która skupia się na społecznościach polskich w Chicago, podróżach polskich imigrantów do miasta i ich osiedlaniu się w różnych dzielnicach. W programie specjalnym wystąpili autor i badacz Dominic A. Pacyga oraz kustosz Peter Alter, a także piękne polskie pieśni ludowe wykonane przez śpiewaczki Lira Ensemble w tradycyjnych strojach.
Serdeczne podziękowania kierujemy dla wszystkich kuratorów, współpracowników oraz sponsorów za przyczynienie się do lepszego zrozumienia polskiej społeczności. Chcielibyśmy również gorąco pogratulować i wyrazić uznanie dla gości specjalnych tego wydarzenia, w tym dla dr Pawła Zyzaka, Konsula RP w Chicago, oraz dla Współprzewodniczących Wydarzenia: Viktorii Granacki, Iwony Przonak, Guillermo Garcia, Vanessy B.M. Vergara i Josepha Seliga.
Wystawa w Chicago History Museum jest już otwarta od 20 maja, dlatego serdecznie zapraszamy do zakupu biletów na stronie internetowej CHM: https://www.chicagohistory.org/exhibition/back-home-polish-chicago/. Jeśli chcecie spędzić dzień pełen polskiej historii, gorąco polecamy odwiedzenie zarówno CHM, jak i Muzeum Polskiego w Ameryce, aby uzyskać jeszcze lepsze spojrzenie na polsko-amerykańskie społeczności!

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