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Father’s day

Father's day celebrated June 20 in America is a very special holiday.
As our troubled times are characterized by many children growing up under the care of single parents, usually mothers, this June day when we celebrate fathers is both a cause for appreciation as well as reflection. The Father, as head of household is a rock of stability and security for the entire family. He is to be a role model for his children, someone to look up to and admire. Someone who teaches virtues like courage and fortitude. For those of us who have a living father let's make sure he knows it is never too late to improve our relationship and make amends. For those of us who lost our fathers, may we remember them in prayer. Especially those families whose fathers died in the line of duty-we can all learn how well this sacrifice for our freedoms and all the good America stands for is also a teaching example of the true virtue of fatherhood. And for those of us who miss our fathers due to separation-let us overcome our fear or insecurity about calling them or making the effort to see them on their special day! May all fathers be inspired by their families that there is always Hope! Happy Father's Day!

B. Czerkawski

Photos show our PMA sculpture masterpiece plaster Head of my father by Stanislaw Szukalski, Franciszek Zwirko-Polish pioneer aviator and proud father with son Henio at Warsaw airport, pre-1932; Antoni Smarzewski-Schermann-1st Polish settler in Chicago-nestorian of Polish-American community.

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