Planning to visit Vestige? Look at the timetable for the upcoming exhibitions.
Get Involved
We want you to be part of our museums, experience its beauty and this is why we offer several ways to let you engage with us to help maintain and develop the museums. Whether you are a student aspiring a career in social work or a business person who loves to preserve and care about the local history or a couple looking to get married in an awesome traditional way. We have everything for all of you. Become a member today!
The Vestige, museum of antiquity has a variety of year-round internship programs available for students of all ages.
Internship ProgramsOur memberships provide wonderful benefits and supports our goal to preserve and conserve our local history.
Ways to supportOur beautiful historic properties are the ideal year-round location to host your wedding or special event.
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Art Gallery
The Stephen and Elizabeth Ann Kusmierczak Art Gallery contains paintings and sculptures spanning 1901-1947. The majority of the collection was originally displayed at the 1939…
Great Hall
Sabina P. Logisz Great Hall was originally designed as the auditorium for the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America headquarters. In 1939, it was adapted…
The Polish Museum of America Library has over 100,000 books in both Polish and English languages on subjects of interest to Polish Americans, including such…
Coming Exhibitions
In the news
- 21 Jan
Shanty Concert at the Polish Museum of America
Read moreOn January 21, the Joseph Conrad Yacht Club and the Polish Museum of America hosted an unforgettable shanty concert featuring two remarkable performers, Roman Tkaczyk,
- 20 Jan
Happy Grandmother’s and Grandfather’s Day from the PMA!
Read moreOn January 21 and 22, we celebrate two very special days: Grandmother’s Day and Grandfather’s Day.
- 16 Jan
Prof. Anna Mlekodaj and Maria Krzeptowska Visit the PMA
Read moreOn January 14, the Polish Museum of America had the pleasure of hosting Professor Anna Mlekodaj from The Academy of Applied Sciences in Nowy Targ
- 15 Jan
Honoring Mieczysław Haiman on His 76th Death Anniversary
Read moreOn January 15, we commemorate the 76th anniversary of Mieczysław Haiman’s passing in 1949 at the age of 61. As we celebrate the 90th anniversary
- 13 Jan
A Special Holiday Gathering at the PMA with Holy Trinity Polish School
Read moreOn January 11, the Holy Trinity Polish School held a truly special holiday gathering at the Polish Museum of America, beautifully organized by the school’s
What our visitors saying about their experience
Ogromnie dziękujemy za pomoc w realizacji naszego filmu o Erazmie Jerzmanowskim. Dzięki Państwa współpracy udało się nam sfilmować unikalne arcydzieło. Życzymy sukcesów, środków na digitalizację i wielu odwiedzających. I szczególne podziękowania za przyjęcie i życzliwość pracowników Muzeum.
Maria Guzy
Maria Guzy, reżyser TVP Kraków
Beata Markowska kierownik produkcji
Jeremi Grzywa
[2022] -
“Ważne z kim podróżujesz” – to hasło przewodnie obecnej kampanii polskich linii lotniczych LOT. Jestem zaszczycony, że w mojej podróży trafiłem do Muzeum Polskiego w Chicago, na cudownych ludzi z nim związanych.
Bardzo liczę na to, że wspólna podróż Polonii z Chicago i Lotu będzie kontynuowana.
Życzę Państwi dalszych sukcesów w Państwa działalności i podtrzymywania ducha polskości!Z wyrazami szacunku,
Michał Fijoł
Michał Fijoł
Prezes Zarządu
Polskie Linie Lotnicze LOT
3 Maja 2024 -
Thank you for all your work for Polonia and Chicago
Dominik Pacyga
Dominik Pacyga
5/25/21 -
Polish Museum of AmericaDziękuję Wam serdecznie za przyjęcie mojej Wizyty – u Was mam piękne wrażenia – jestem zdumiony Kolekcje Polskiej sztuki i Polski, mojej ojczyzny
Sergeant Major Alberii
Sergeant Major Alberii
Wojsk Specjalnych,
Silver Star, Bronze Star
3 Purple Heart Medal Washingtona