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Remembering the Legacy of Zdzisław Beksiński on the Anniversary of his Death

February 21 marks another anniversary of the passing of Zdzisław Beksiński (1929-2005) – one of Poland's most prominent artists, celebrated for his surrealist masterpieces.

In 2017, the Polish Museum of America in Chicago proudly hosted the first official exhibition of Beksiński's works in the United States - "A Tale Told by the Shadows." This monumental event showcased over 50 of the artist's pieces, including iconic paintings, drawings, and photographs. The exhibition served as a testament to Beksiński's enduring popularity, attracting art lovers from all corners of the country to witness his haunting beauty firsthand.

The highlight of the exhibit was the premiere of the VR-based presentation, "De Profundis," offering a mesmerizing journey into the depths of Beksiński's artistic realm. The success of the exhibition underscored the profound impact of his work, not only in Poland but also on a global scale.

Despite the passage of time since his passing, Beksiński's legacy lives on, and his influence continues to grow. Today, as we remember this visionary artist, we invite you to explore the enchanting world he created. Visit our website to learn more: Learn more

And for a glimpse into the ethereal realm of "De Profundis," don't miss the VR trailer: LINK

Let's join together in honoring the legacy of this remarkable artist whose work continues to resonate with art lovers worldwide.

21 lutego przypada kolejna rocznica śmierci Zdzisława Beksińskiego (1929-2005) – jednego z najwybitniejszych polskich artystów, słynącego z surrealistycznych dzieł.

W 2017 roku Muzeum Polskie w Ameryce w Chicago miało zaszczyt gościć pierwszą oficjalną wystawę twórczości Beksińskiego w Stanach Zjednoczonych – „Opowieść opowiedziana przez cienie”. Podczas tego monumentalnego wydarzenia zaprezentowano ponad 50 prac artysty, w tym kultowe obrazy, rysunki i fotografie. Wystawa była świadectwem niesłabnącej popularności Beksińskiego, przyciągając miłośników sztuki ze wszystkich zakątków kraju, aby na własne oczy przekonać się o jego nawiedząjacym pięknie.

Interesującym punktem wystawy była premiera opartej na technologii VR prezentacji „De Profundis”, będącej hipnotyzującą podróżą w głąb artystycznego świata Beksińskiego. Sukces wystawy podkreślił ogromny wpływ jego twórczości nie tylko w Polsce, ale także w skali światowej.

Mimo upływu czasu od jego śmierci dziedzictwo Beksińskiego wciąż żyje. Dziś, wspominając tego wizjonerskiego artystę, zapraszamy do odkrywania niespokojnego świata, który stworzył. Proszę odwiedzić naszą stronę, aby dowiedzieć się więcej: kliknij tutaj.

Aby rzucić okiem na eteryczną krainę „De Profundis”, zapraszamy do zobaczenia zwiastuna VR: LINK

Uhonorujmy razem dziedzictwo tego niezwykłego artysty, którego twórczość wciąż cieszy się zainteresowaniem miłośników sztuki na całym świecie.

Paraphrasing the master, Beksinski:
“To name something, is to stray from the core of that which is painted, to name this exhibit, is on par with not visiting it at all. Is that the life we choose?”

Beksinski paid the highest price for being himself. He disliked exhibits, self-promotion, or writing about himself, and thus few people have come to know his work. In contrast to the empty and superficial words spoken in some art communities, Beksinski spoke slowly, without raising his voice, with a great distance from the world and himself, and with a humor laced in irony. In spite of this aversion to self-promotion, his works have earned recognition around the world. Through “A Tale Told by Shadows”, we take part in history – after more than 50 years, Beksinski has received a new invitation to the USA, and 12 years after his unnecessary death he has arrived.

If, those who have passed away, actually keep watch over us, and cannot truly rest in peace until certain loose ends are tied up for them, then rest assured that Beksinski observed and listened to us at the Polish Museum of America; and for the first time in the USA, we attested to this.

Given the opportunity to write a few words I’d like to again thank all those whom I’ve mentioned countless times at each opportunity in the press, social media, the exhibit catalog – I especially thank all those who came without me nagging them to help, thank you.

For the last time let’s imagine that we are living in a unique garden, at the end of which, someone is waiting for us as Beksinski described in one of his novels/stories “At the End of the Garden” but another time paraphrasing his words by Marianne Faithfull lyrics:

Do you remember me,
Do you remember anything?
Well, I’m looking ’round the room
Some of the people I’ve loved
Guess I remember everything

Dariusz Lachowski

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