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107th Library anniversary

On this day, April 18th, the PMA Library observes its 107th anniversary. 

The Library was founded in 1915 by the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America. Its first collection of 4,000 volumes grew over the years to over 100,000 covering topics on Polish and Polish American history, geography, culture, traditions, art, and literature, from ancient times to current affairs. In addition to the circulating collection, the Library houses historical collections of rare books and special publications with the oldest book published in 1508 for Krakow Academy students; the Polonica collection with Polonica Americana and Polonica in English; and the collection of Polish American publishers.

Polonia has been actively involved in creating the Library collection since 1930, when PMA librarian and curator Mieczyslaw Haiman appealed to all Poles and Polish Americans to donate books. This trend continues through today.

PMA Photo collection presents the famous PMA stamp; the newest addition to the Library collection Pamietnik Literacki published in London.

#pmalibrary #mieczyslawhaiman #rarebooks

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