Kamil Bednarek z wizytÄ… w Muzeum Polskim w Ameryce!
Dziś odwiedził nasze Muzeum, wyjątkowo uśmiechnięty gość z Polski, Kamil Bednarek!
Students from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago!
Today we had the pleasure of hosting students from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with Adrienne Kochman, Ph.D., Lecturer, Dept. of Art History, Theory & Criticism. Thank you for visiting!
Mirela Moldovan odwiedziła Muzeum Polskie w Ameryce
W niedzielę, 9 lutego, odbył się koncert młodej dziewczyny, licealistki, która chwilę po studniówkowym balu, udowodniła, że to co niemożliwe staje się tu i teraz, wylądowała na kilka dni w Chicago.
Is a medical career right for me?
Polish American Medical Society Annual Conference and Networking: Is a medical career right for me?
104th Birthday of Mrs. Maria Mirecka Lorys, PMA Life Member
On February 7, 2020, Mrs. Maria Mirecka Lorys, PMA Life Member, will be celebrating her 104th Birthday.
Deputy Head of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland Paweł Mucha
On Saturday, February 1st, the Polish Museum of America was visited by Paweł Mucha, the Deputy Head of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland he was accompanied by Piotr Janicki, Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Chicago. Thank you for such an important visit
Director of the Jagiellonian Library visited PMA
Prof. Zdzisław Pietrzyk, director of the Jagiellonian Library visited PMA recently with his family.
On January 27th the world marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day and the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Concentration and Extermination Camp in Auschwitz in German-occupied Poland.
2019 funds from the Senat of the Republic of Poland
The PMA is pleased to announce that in 2019 the Senate of the Republic of Poland was one of the PMA major sponsors in maintaining and conducting cultural activities, including exhibitions, events, and workshops for children, youth and adults. MPA z przyjemnością informuje, że w roku 2019 otrzymało od Senatu
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