Kosciuszko Bicentennial at the PMA

The Polish Museum of America held the opening reception for the Kosciuszko Bicentennial

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Prezent Mistrzowi Beksińskiemu

Today Professor Jacek Fraczak and his family visited us. His daughter, Karolina Fraczak, played for the Master Beksinski. These are the last days to visit Beksinki's exhibit, which is located in the Polish Museum of america, and is the first of its kind in the United States, we invite you

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Art for Heart Press Release

Art for Heart is back for its seventh year benefitting Gift from the Heart Foundation (Dar Serca) and the Polish Museum of America: Saturday September 9th to Saturday September 30th Chicago, IL–The Polish Museum of America and Gift from the Heart Foundation (Dar Serca) are celebrating the 7th year of

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Dziś w programie

Dzięki wyjątkowej wrażliwości pracowników Polvision, widzowie autorskiego programu Małgorzaty Ptaszyńskiej "Dziś w programie" mieli okazję do ponownego przyjęcia zaproszenia na wystawę "A Tale Told by Shadows" prac Zdzisława Beksińskiego prezentowanych w Muzeum Polskim.

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A Tale Told by Shadows

Zapraszamy do częstego odwiedzania, specjalnie przygotowanej strony dotyczącej wystawy [Zdzislaw Beksinski A Tale Told by Shadows]

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Polish Past in Chicago 1850-1941

Exhibition Drawn from Photographic Archives of The Polish Museum of America Poles first began to settle in Chicago in the 1850s, but it was not until the 1880s that their arrival assumed the character of a mass migration. From that time until the 1930s, the number of Polish immigrants rapidly

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Zdzisław Beksiński: A Tale Told by Shadows

Być może, kiedyś porzucę ten mój świat (…) i wtedy zacznę obserwować, jak przemieniają się chmury na niebie. Zdzisław Beksiński

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in silence

In Silence – A Multimedia Trilingual Exhibition at the Polish Museum of America

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89. rocznica urodzin Zofii Beksińskiej

25 marca mija 89. rocznica urodzin Zofii Beksińskiej kobiety wyjątkowej o której tak niewiele powiedziano w ciągu minionych lat.

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SOKÓŁ – 20th Anniversary

SOKÓŁ – 20th Anniversary

SOKÓŁ – 20th Anniversary of Polonian Motorcycle Brotherhood: History, Tradition, Legend

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