Drapanki, kraszanki i oklejanki w Muzeum Polskim

Pisanki to jeden z symboli Świąt Wielkanocnych. Przywołują ducha świąt i symbolizują

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Pisanki Workshop

Today everyone was in a good mood, and, most importantly, interested in the Polish tradition of decorating Easter eggs.

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Dzień Pułaskiego w Muzeum Polskim raz jeszcze

Dziedzictwo ideowe gen. Kazimierza Pułaskiego, stulecie odzyskania przez Polskę niepodległości

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Pulaski Day at the Polish Museum of America 2018

Top Government Officials to Honor Polonia on Pulaski Day Celebrate Pulaski Day at the Polish Museum of America on Monday, March 5, 2018,

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PMA Christmas Workshop

Warsztaty ozdób świątecznych

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Lesson of Polish History

99. Anniversary of Poland’s Independence.

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Lesson of History

Lesson of History. Polish Hussars by Cezary Zawadziński and Potocki Banner.

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Dance at the Museum-Disco Night

On Saturday November 4th, the long-awaited Disco Night benefit dance for the Polish Museum of America happened and it was a success.

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Kosciuszko Bicentennial at the PMA

The Polish Museum of America held the opening reception for the Kosciuszko Bicentennial

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