Celebrating the Birthday of Włodzimierz Krzyżanowski

On July 8 we celebrate the birthday of Włodzimierz Krzyżanowski, a remarkable figure in American Civil War history.

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Commemorating the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

April 19 marks the anniversary of a somber chapter in history that forever echoes the resilience and bravery of the human spirit. On April 19th, 1943, smoke billowed over the skies of central Warsaw as the Nazi German occupying forces sought to extinguish the last flickers of hope within the

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Defying Odds: The Warsaw Insurrection of 1794

April 17 marks the anniversary of the Warsaw Insurrection of 1794, a pivotal event in Polish history. It was an armed Polish insurrection by the city's populace early in the Kościuszko Uprising and a bold attempt to free Warsaw from the grip of the Russian Empire.

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Commemorating Falaise and Arnhem Battles at the PMA

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us at the Polish Museum of America on March 9, 2024, for an unforgettable journey back in time commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Battles of Falaise and Arnhem!

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The Battle of Vienna: A Turning Point in History

Discover the Heroic Legacy of King Jan III Sobieski and the Legendary Winged Hussars in the Battle of Vienna | A Tale of Valor, Unity, and Europe's Indomitable Spirit

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