What you see is not what you see, and I want you to see what you want to see

The 7th charity exhibition by Dr. Blazej Lojewski, in support of the School and Educational Center for Blind Children in Laski, was held on February 5th at 3 PM at the Polish Museum in America.

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PMA mourns the passing of Piotr Pisuk, PMA Volunteer

On February 2, at the age of 82, longtime PMA volunteer Piotr Pisuk passed away. Był Człowiekiem o wielkiej delikatności i spokoju wewnętrznym, współpracował z IAMPOL TV, nakręcił dla MPA wiele imprez i opublikował je.

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2019 funds from the Senat of the Republic of Poland

The PMA is pleased to announce that in 2019 the Senate of the Republic of Poland was one of the PMA major sponsors in maintaining and conducting cultural activities, including exhibitions, events, and workshops for children, youth and adults. MPA z przyjemnością informuje, że w roku 2019 otrzymało od Senatu

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