The Treasure of Polonia – The Polish Museum of America
The Treasure of Polonia – The Polish Museum of America
Deputy Head of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland Paweł Mucha
On Saturday, February 1st, the Polish Museum of America was visited by Paweł Mucha, the Deputy Head of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland he was accompanied by Piotr Janicki, Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Chicago. Thank you for such an important visit
Director of the Jagiellonian Library visited PMA
Prof. Zdzisław Pietrzyk, director of the Jagiellonian Library visited PMA recently with his family.
Logan Square Preservation President Andrew Schneider…
Logan Square Preservation President Andrew Schneider
Kolorowa tradycja świąt
Tworzenie polskich ozdób choinkowych w ramach warsztatów z Muzeum Polskim w Ameryce po raz dziesiąty.
Open House Chicago 2019
The PMA and PRCUA in the Open House Chicago was toured by 352 visitors on Saturday October 19, 2019.
Deputy Marshall of the Sejm for the Republic of Poland visited the Polish Museum of America and the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America
On October 7 Malgorzata Gosiewska, Deputy Marshall of the Sejm for the Republic of Poland visited the Polish Museum of America and the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America. The Deputy Marshall was given a tour of the PMA, met with officers and staff and was shown several PMA projects.
Visit to PMA of the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Polish Museum of America was visited today by Minister Jacek Czaputowicz from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Polish Ambassador to the U. S. Piotr Wilczek. Welcoming both were officers and staff of the PMA and the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America.
Poles in Chicago Project International Exchange
Poles in Chicago Project International Exchange participants visited PMA today
100 years of the Polish Red Cross
100 years of the Polish Red Cross 100 lat Polskiego Czerwonego Krzyża
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