Hutsul Region: The Slavic Atlantis in Former Polish Lands – Huculszczyzna

If you enjoy learning about the culture and history of different regions, then you should definitely watch the film, Hutsul Region: The Slavic Atlantis in Former Polish Lands. This movie is a fascinating exploration of the rich cultural heritage of this region in the Carpathian Mountains.

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Zyczenia swiateczne MPA | Merry Christmas from PMA

Zyczenia swiateczne MPA | Merry Christmas from PMA

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The PMA welcomes our newest Heritage Life Members Lou and Charlene | PMA

Being a Heritage Life Member is a great honor. Heritage Life Members are recognized for their dedication to preserving the past and ensuring that our national heritage is not forgotten. They are given special discounts and privileges. Heritage Life Members also receive recognition for their efforts and contributions to the

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Donation of Crèche / Szopka to the Polish Museum of America

The Donation of Crèche is a beautiful piece of art that showcases the Nativity scene. The figures are detailed and intricately crafted, making it an incredibly meaningful representation of the Christmas story. The delicate details of the figures and animals bring to life the story of the birth of Jesus,

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Warsztaty ozdób choinkowych – video

Warsztaty to doskonały czas, aby wykazać się swoją kreatywnością i wspólnie pobawić w tworzenie pięknych dekoracji na świąteczne drzewko. Podczas warsztatów można wykonać własne ozdoby lub po prostu, przy pomocy instruktorów, poeksperymentować z różnymi technikami.

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Zapal Światło Wolności

Zapraszamy do włączenia się w akcję pt. „Zapal Światło Wolności” organizowaną przez Stowarzyszenie Pamięć.

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130th Anniversary of Ignacy Jan Paderewski in Chicago

The PMA invites you to view its newest film, capturing a special event held in conjunction with Glessner House, commemorating the 130th anniversary of Ignacy Jan Paderewski's first visit to Chicago.

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Christmas Ornaments Workshop & Gift Shop Sale

Thank you for your help - dziękujemy za uczestnictwo! Wesołych Świąt - Merry Christmas! The return of the Polish Museum of America’s Christmas workshop for children of all ages and the lighting of the Bethlehem Peace Candle.

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MSI’s Christmas Around the World and Holidays of Light

Don’t miss your chance to create unique holiday memories and see a tree decorated in honor of Poland. Christmas Around the World and Holidays of Light are open from November 16, 2022 until January 4th, 2023, and are included in Museum Entry.

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Pearl Harbor Day

December 7 we commemorate the American Heroes who defended our US Navy Pacific fleet base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.

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