Highlights from the Premiere Event: “Polish Chicago” Album Launch

On April 28, the Polish Museum of America had the pleasure of hosting a remarkable premiere event, where attendees had the exclusive opportunity to meet with the authors and creators behind the captivating album "Polish Chicago: Iconic Places of Chicago's Polish Community."

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The terrible German Invasion

The German Invasion of Poland – 83 years ago today || September 1, 1939 - September 1, 2022

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Jozef Rapacki – 93 commemoration of death

On this day January 31 we remember Jozef Rapacki, one of the most noted and nostalgic Polish painters. Born March 19, 1871, in Warsaw, Rapacki died Jan. 31, 1929.

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55 commemoration of Sister Stanisia’s death

We remember the best-known Polish American Catholic nun turned artist and painter Sister Stanisia.

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Walk through Chicago’s Polish Downtown

Walk through Chicago’s Polish Downtown with architectural historian, Victoria Granacki.

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Churches in Chicago's Polish downtown

Churches in Chicago’s Polish downtown

Our next video in our series takes you through Polish Downtown and the Polish Churches.

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