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  Due to the outbreak of the coronavirus, the  Polish Museum of America and the PMA Library will be closed to the general public effective Monday, March 16, 2020.  We are sorry that our friends will not be able to visit the PMA, but the safety, health, and welfare of

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M/S Batory postponed!

Event postponed. Details to come.

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Terra Foundation of American Art visited the Polish Museum of America

On March 10, 2020, the Polish Museum of America (PMA) was hosting a delegation from the Terra Foundation of American Art: Jennifer Siegenthaler, Program Director, Education Grants & Initiatives; Eva Silverman, Project Director, Art Design Chicago; and Diego Candil, Director, Terra Foundation for American Art Europe (Paris, France). Guests toured

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Żołnierze wnoszą sztandary

Pulaski Day at the Polish Museum of America 2020

Pulaski Day at the Polish Museum of America

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Full movie: The Treasure of Polonia – The Polish Museum of America

Full movie: The Treasure of Polonia – The Polish Museum of America

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The Treasure of Polonia – The Polish Museum of America

The Treasure of Polonia – The Polish Museum of America

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Kamil Bednarek z wizytą w Muzeum Polskim w Ameryce!

Dziś odwiedził nasze Muzeum, wyjątkowo uśmiechnięty gość z Polski, Kamil Bednarek!

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Students from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago!

Today we had the pleasure of hosting students from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with Adrienne Kochman, Ph.D., Lecturer, Dept. of Art History, Theory & Criticism. Thank you for visiting!  

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Students from Warsaw

Group of ten high school students from Warsaw

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Mirela Moldovan odwiedziła Muzeum Polskie w Ameryce

W niedzielę, 9 lutego, odbył się koncert młodej dziewczyny, licealistki, która chwilę po studniówkowym balu, udowodniła, że to co niemożliwe staje się tu i teraz, wylądowała na kilka dni w Chicago.

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