87th Anniversary of the Polish Museum of America | PMA
On October 15, 1935, the Polish Museum of America was established by the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America Board of Directors. This is the legacy of legendary Poles who immigrated to America.
Happy Anniversary!
Today, the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America (PRCUA) celebrates its 149th anniversary.
The Polish Museum of America Library received a donation
On Monday, September 19, 2022, The Polish Museum of America Library received a donation of old books from Jerri and Gary Williams.
Special Guests from Krakow, Poland at the PMA
On Tuesday, September 13 the PMA hosted special VIP guests from Kraków Poland.
Maria Koc and Adam Bala Visit
Thank you to Maria Koc - Senator RP (Senate of Poland), and Conductor Adam Bala for stopping by the museum on Sunday! The long weekend was eventful for us with the 40th Anniversary of the Taste of Polonia Festival, where our guests headed after their visit.
The terrible German Invasion
The German Invasion of Poland – 83 years ago today || September 1, 1939 - September 1, 2022
Polish Army Veterans Association Post 90 continues its support of the PMA
During a ceremony held at the museum on August 29, 2022, PAVA Post 90 presented the PMA with a generous financial donation of $20,000. PAVA Post 90 was represented by Andrzej Janczak, Commander; Tomasz Dąbrowski, Deputy Commander and Financial Secretary; and Bogdan Strumiński, Supporting Member.
Chicago Fire Saturday Night!
Thank you to everyone who came to the Chicago Fire game Saturday night! #VamosFire #CF97 #ChicagoFire
Amazing donation
On Friday, August 19, 2022, the Polish Museum of America received a historical donation from Elizabeth Jachimowicz Fanuzzi. Among other items, the donation included three maps: "Polonia Regnum et Silesia Ducatus" by Willem Janszoon Blaeu.
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