Ignacy Jan Paderewski Goes Home – 81st Anniversary

On this day, we commemorate the loss of Ignacy Jan Paderewski, who died in New York 81 years ago on June 29, 1941, yet the story of his burial is one that wasn’t complete until 51 years after his death.

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The Green Room renovation

The Green Room renovation at the PMA, ongoing since January 2022, is made possible thanks to funding by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the “Cooperation with Polish Community and Poles Abroad – Infrastructure for Polish Community Abroad Grant Competition 2022.

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Feast Day of St. John the Baptist

He is the well known relative of Jesus of Nazareth who was born to St. Elizabeth, cousin of the Virgin Mary and Zechariah in the Herodian kingdom of Judea.

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World Refugee Day – June 20

We recall the plight and suffering of millions of women, children and the elderly throughout the world whose lives were terribly impacted by sometimes natural disasters, most often however by armed conflicts.

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The Polish Museum of America mourns the passing of respected veteran, Wiesław Chodorowski.

The Polish Museum of America mourns the passing of respected veteran, Wiesław Chodorowski. Wiesław Tadeusz ‘Ted’ Chodorowski (January 4, 1929 - June 10, 2022)

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Milwaukee Avenue Polish Heritage Corridor

Milwaukee Avenue Polish Heritage Corridor - The official designation was passed by the Illinois General Assembly and signed into law by Governor JB Pritzker on June 10th.

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42nd Summer Gala – our galleries

After a three-year absence, we were finally able to host an in-person event at Cafe LaCave. Thank you to all of our donors, sponsors, participants and guests who made the 42nd Summer Gala a resounding success.

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Feast Day of Queen Jadwiga

On June 8, we mark the Feast Day of Saint Jadwiga, Queen of Poland. Poland's beloved monarch was not afraid to lead Polish royal inspections to far away borderlands like Red Ruthenia while sponsoring widespread social services, churches, and charitable foundations.

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General Józef Chłopicki

On June 3, 2022, at the PMA Sabina Logisz Great Hall, an epochal event took place. Not one, but two medals issued to General Józef Chłopicki, a Polish and French officer from the Revolutionary periods in Poland and France, were presented.

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Children’s Day (Dzień Dziecka)

Happy Children's Day! In Poland, Dzień Dziecka has been celebrated on June 1st since 1952, when activities and festivities are organized for children by schools, towns, and families. This special day often includes presents, field trips, and outdoor outings that mark the beginning of summer.

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