Get Egg-cited about Easter at the Virtual Pisanki Workshop!

Easter is on its way. Get in the spirit by learning the intricate art of making – Polish egg decorating, on Saturday, March 27, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. live on the Polish Museum of America PMA YouTube channel; our website, and Facebook.

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PMA mourns the loss of Leonard Kniffel

The Polish Museum of America honors the memory of PMA Board Member Leonard Kniffel, who passed away on March 19, 2021.

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Katyn Commemoration – Gawron Painting

March 22 we commemorate the Memory of tens of thousands of Polish military Officers and intellectuals...

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St. Joseph Solemnity

Every March 19 we celebrate the solemnity of St. Joseph, the step-father of Jesus and husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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The National Library in Warsaw

Catalogue of Incunabula in the National Library of Poland, vol. 1 & 2, 2020 Katalog rękopisów Biblioteki Narodowej, seria III, tom VII, cz. 1-3, 2020

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24 Anniversary Poland’s acceptance to NATO

March 12 we celebrate Poland’s acceptance in 1999 to NATO taking its rightful place in this Military Pact.

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International Women’s Day 2021

March 8 is International Women's Day and let’s celebrate by meeting some outstanding historic Chicago Polonia Women’s Assns.

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Bohdan “Dan” L. Sokolowski passed away

The Polish Museum of America honors the memory of PMA friend and brother-in-law of PMA Board Member Anna Sokolowski, Bohdan “Dan” L. Sokolowski, who passed away on March 1, 2021, at age 73.

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Cursed soldiers

March 1 we mark the National Indomitable Soldiers’ Remembrance Day (pol. Żołnierze Niezłomni).

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Virtual Pulaski Day 2021

Thank you to our sponsors, speakers, performers, production crew, volunteers and staff for staging a successful 2021 Virtual Pulaski Day Commemoration.

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