Museum visit of Michael Alexeeev

Today May 20 our Polish Museum of America welcomed Dr. Michael V. Alexeev, Ph.D., an expert in the field of comparative economics and econ. of transition from Soviet to free-market finances.

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The Wrzesnia Children’s strike anniversary

May 20 we commemorate the 120 anniversary of the strikes held in 1901 by schoolchildren in Wrzesnia, Greater Poland.

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Monte Cassino

On this day we celebrate the 101 Birthday of Pope Saint John Paul II from Poland.

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Roza Czacka

May 15 we remember Roza (Mother Elzbieta) Czacka, b. in 1876 and died on this day in 1961.

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May 15 – St. Sophia Feast day

May 15 we salute a very celebrated name in Poland, Zofia - Zosia! Its origin comes from the Greek ‘sophos’ meaning wise, intelligent.

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40 commemoration of 1981 assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II

May 13 we mark the 40 commemorations of the 1981 assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II.

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PMA Summer intern application

The Polish Museum of America, thanks to its affiliation with the Chicago Cultural Alliance, has secured funding for a NINE WEEK paid position for a Collections Internship.

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Jozef Pilsudski

As we mark May 12, the 86 death anniversary of Jozef Pilsudski, we remember his extraordinary life and legacy. His beloved mother inspired her youngest son to love Poland with all his heart.

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Mother’s Day

May 9, 2021 we are absolutely thrilled to celebrate Mother's Day.

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St. Stanislaus (św. Stanisław)

Today May 8 we celebrate St. Stanislaus (pol. Sw. Stanislaw), Bishop and martyr - Poland's second patron saint next to St. Adalbert.

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