Happy Independence Day from the PMA!

As we celebrate the 4th of July, we honor the spirit of freedom and unity that defines this great nation. We reflect on the shared values of liberty and democracy that connect us all, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to those who have fought for and protected these cherished

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Defying Odds: The Warsaw Insurrection of 1794

April 17 marks the anniversary of the Warsaw Insurrection of 1794, a pivotal event in Polish history. It was an armed Polish insurrection by the city's populace early in the Kościuszko Uprising and a bold attempt to free Warsaw from the grip of the Russian Empire.

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Remembering Casimir Pułaski: A Hero’s Legacy

Casimir Pulaski: The "Father of the American Cavalry" and hero of the American Revolutionary War, known for his unwavering commitment to liberty and justice.

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Juneteenth 2023

Of the 4,000 Poles who joined the Northern armies, many had military experience in Europe. This included General Włodzimierz Krzyzanowski, who fought in the failed military expedition and insurrection of 1846 and escaped to America.

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Today we celebrated – World Art Day

Today, April 15th, marks World Art Day, a global celebration of the arts and their essential role in our lives. It promotes creativity, cultural diversity, and freedom of expression while providing an opportunity to reflect on the value and impact of the arts.

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2023 President’s Day

Happy Presidents' Day from the Polish Museum of America. Życzenia dobrego Dnia Prezydentów od Muzeum Polskiego w Ameryce!

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Powstanie warszawskie | Warsaw Uprising

Today is the 78th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, an insurrection that would result in over 200,000 civilian and insurgent deaths and the destruction of much of the city (85% by January 1945)

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231 Anniversary of the Constitution of May 3, 1791

Today we stand in awe and acclaim at Europe's first written democratic constitution-the Polish Constitution ratified May 3, 1791 (written in 1788).

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80 Founding Anniversary of Armia Krajowa

On this day we stand and salute the Polish Home Army (pol. Armia Krajowa) which was established exactly 80 years ago on February 14, 1942.

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Happy Mexican Independence Day!

Our Mexican American friends visiting the PMA.

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