The 80th Anniversary of the Battle of Monte Cassino

May 18 marks the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Monte Cassino of 1944, where the Polish 2nd Corps triumphed over German forces, breaking their defense lines and paving the way for the liberation of Rome. Monte Cassino, a stronghold atop the Italian hills, stood as a formidable obstacle in

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Commemorating Victory in Europe Day

On May 8th we celebrate Victory in Europe Day! On this historic day in 1945, World War II in Europe came to an end. As the news of Germany’s surrender reached the rest of the world, joyous crowds gathered to celebrate in the streets, clutching newspapers that declared Victory in

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Commemorating the January Uprising at the Polish Museum of America

Celebrating the 161st anniversary of Poland's January Insurrection (1863-1864), the unbroken spirit of Polish families, from Pulaski to Traugutt, shaped resilience. Jasienica highlighted 1863's role in Poland's 1918 independence. Explore history at the Polish Museum of America in 2024.

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Pearl Harbor Day

December 7 we commemorate the American Heroes who defended our US Navy Pacific fleet base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.

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St. Nicolaus day

St. Nicolaus - the only visible evidence of his life and legacy is the magnificent basilica of St. Nicholas in Bari.

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World Refugee Day – June 20

We recall the plight and suffering of millions of women, children and the elderly throughout the world whose lives were terribly impacted by sometimes natural disasters, most often however by armed conflicts.

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The Polish Museum of America mourns the passing of respected veteran, Wiesław Chodorowski.

The Polish Museum of America mourns the passing of respected veteran, Wiesław Chodorowski. Wiesław Tadeusz ‘Ted’ Chodorowski (January 4, 1929 - June 10, 2022)

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Birthday commemoration of the late Stephen Kusmierczak Sr.

Mr. Stephen Kusmierczak Sr. was born on May 23, 1926 in Poland. In 2011, Stephen Kusmierczak Jr. together with his mother, Elizabeth Ann Kusmierczak ceremoniously opened the Fine Arts Gallery in honor of his parents.

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78 Anniversary of Polish Victory Battle at Monte Cassino

May 18, 1944, marks a very special day for WWII history-the Polish 2 Corps broke the German defensive lines and opened the road for the Allies to liberate Rome from German occupation

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231 Anniversary of the Constitution of May 3, 1791

Today we stand in awe and acclaim at Europe's first written democratic constitution-the Polish Constitution ratified May 3, 1791 (written in 1788).

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