Happy Grandparents Day!

Happy Grandparents Day! Wszystkiego najlepszego dla wszystkich Babć i Dziadków! Władysław (1843–1928) and Albertyna Dyniewicz had eight children, and they were blessed with many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

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Walk through Chicago’s Polish Downtown

Walk through Chicago’s Polish Downtown with architectural historian, Victoria Granacki.

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73 Commemoration of Mieczyslaw Haiman’s death

January 15, we recollect the founder and first director of the PMA - Mieczyslaw Haiman.

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Origins of the Polish Army Veterans Association in America – Ties to Chicago

Origins of the Polish Army Veterans Association in America - Ties to Chicago, host Halina Misterka.

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The Polish Museum of America celebrates 85 years since its opening…

The Polish Museum of America celebrates 85 years since opening its door to the public.

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Peace and prosperity on the occasion of Epiphany!

Peace and prosperity on the occasion of Epiphany! Pokoju i pomyślności z okazji Święta Trzech Króli!

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Happy New Year

With warm appreciation for your support, we wish you and your family...

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National Day of commemoration on the Anniversary of Greater Poland Insurrection

On this day we not only commemorate the 103 anniversary of the Greater Poland Uprising but this is the first time when December 27 is celebrated as the National Day of the victorious Greater Poland Uprising.

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A Special Desert Christmas 80 years ago

This Christmas we remember Christmas 1941, the one and only Christmas, 80 years ago, spent in the North African desert by Polish armed forces.

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Merry Christmas!

With warm appreciation for your support, we wish you and your family Peace, Joy, Hope and Good Will this Christmas and throughout the New Year! - The Polish Museum of America

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