Father’s day

Father's day celebrated June 20 in America is a very special holiday.

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Flag Day 2021

Today June 14 we raise our American Flag high in the sky and ascertain with gratitude all the blessings we should be grateful for in these great United States of America!

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Most Sacred Heart

Today, June 11 in Krakow, the Conference of Polish Bishops is convened to re-dedicate Poland to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

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Queen Jadwiga

June 8 - we fondly recognize Polish monarch and saint-Queen Jadwiga whose liturgical feast day was determined for this day by her native Pole-Pope St.

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Boże Ciało oraz 11 Rocznica Beatyfikacji Ks. Jerzego

This Sunday, June 6 we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi also known as the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ.

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D-Day and Polish military role

June 6 America and Polish Americans remember D-day-a 1944 Allied operation designed by US military to open up a second front in the European theatre towards the end of WWII.

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Children’s Day

June 1st has been recognized in Poland as Children's Day since 1952.

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Memorial Day

On this Memorial Day 2021, we pay tribute to our Fallen Soldiers.

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Prymas Tysiaclecia

May 28 we commemorate the 40 anniversary of the death of Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski.

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Happy Mother’s Day in Poland!

Serdeczne życzenia z okazji polskiego Dnia Mamy!

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