JP II Canonization

Today we honor the canonization of Pope John Paul II at St. Peter's Square on April 27, 2014, carried out by Pope Francis with Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

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Saint Adalbert of Prague

Today April 23 we celebrate the feast day of Poland's primary Patron Saint-Adalbert (pol. Sw. Wojciech).

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Falcons – book donation

On April 23, we celebrate World Book Day.

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April 1935 Polish Constitution

Today April 23 we acknowledge the April 1935 Polish Constitution. Written in the wake of WWII and Germany's aggression on Europe (Hitler's imminent 1939 invasion of Poland would start WWII) - the April Constitution was the legal base for Poland's government in exile.

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Earth Day

We ❤️ the 🌍! In 1970, according to, about 20 million Americans assembled to demand greater attention to the protection of the planet.

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78 years ago today

78 years ago today, April 19, 1943, Polish citizens of Jewish descent started their own Uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto.

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Library Anniversary

This April 18 we celebrate our PMA Library which is 106 years in the making with a wealth of books that will leave you breathless.

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1055th Anniversary of Poland’s Christianity

Today, we celebrate the 1055th Anniversary of Poland's Christianity.

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Katyn – The genocide committed by Stalin

April 10 we mark 81 yrs since the genocide committed by Stalin on Polish military officers and intellectuals in Katyn, Russia.

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World Health Day

World Health Day! On World Health Day we thank all healthcare workers.

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