Polish Academy of Sciences Archives Director Visits PMA

Dr. Hanna Krajewska, Director of the Archives of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, visited the Polish Museum in America twice during her stay in Chicago.

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The official opening of the Museum took place exactly 86 years ago!

86 years ago today, the Museum opened its doors for the first time in the PRCUA Auditorium. Dignitaries from the Polish government, Polish-American organizations, and Chicago officials were all in attendance to celebrate this momentous occasion!

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Research work under the supervision of the PMA Archivists

Research work under the supervision of the Archivists takes place in the PMA Art Gallery, which has been specially adapted for this purpose.

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PMA mourns the passing of Piotr Pisuk, PMA Volunteer

On February 2, at the age of 82, longtime PMA volunteer Piotr Pisuk passed away. Był Człowiekiem o wielkiej delikatności i spokoju wewnętrznym, współpracował z IAMPOL TV, nakręcił dla MPA wiele imprez i opublikował je.

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The Polish Museum of America celebrates 85 years since its opening…

The Polish Museum of America celebrates 85 years since opening its door to the public.

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Wiersz Edwarda Kuczynskiego

Z kolekcji Archiwum MPA, Maj 2020

Z kolekcji Archiwum MPA (temp. miscellaneous coll. May 2020) Wiersz zatytułowany „Do Francji”, autorstwa Edwarda Kuczyńskiego urodzonego 29 marca 1914 r., Równe na Wołyniu

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Głowa JP II

The Polish Museum of America celebrates Saint John Paul II 100th Birthday

The Polish Museum of America celebrates Saint John Paul II 100th Birthday Muzeum Polskie w Ameryce w hołdzie Świętemu Janowi Pawłowi II w stulecie urodzin

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