What you see is not what you see, and I want you to see what you want to see

The 7th charity exhibition by Dr. Blazej Lojewski, in support of the School and Educational Center for Blind Children in Laski, was held on February 5th at 3 PM at the Polish Museum in America.

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The official opening of the Museum took place exactly 86 years ago!

86 years ago today, the Museum opened its doors for the first time in the PRCUA Auditorium. Dignitaries from the Polish government, Polish-American organizations, and Chicago officials were all in attendance to celebrate this momentous occasion!

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Donation of Crèche / Szopka to the Polish Museum of America

The Donation of Crèche is a beautiful piece of art that showcases the Nativity scene. The figures are detailed and intricately crafted, making it an incredibly meaningful representation of the Christmas story. The delicate details of the figures and animals bring to life the story of the birth of Jesus,

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Warsztaty ozdób choinkowych – video

Warsztaty to doskonały czas, aby wykazać się swoją kreatywnością i wspólnie pobawić w tworzenie pięknych dekoracji na świąteczne drzewko. Podczas warsztatów można wykonać własne ozdoby lub po prostu, przy pomocy instruktorów, poeksperymentować z różnymi technikami.

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130th Anniversary of Ignacy Jan Paderewski in Chicago

The PMA invites you to view its newest film, capturing a special event held in conjunction with Glessner House, commemorating the 130th anniversary of Ignacy Jan Paderewski's first visit to Chicago.

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MSI’s Christmas Around the World and Holidays of Light

Don’t miss your chance to create unique holiday memories and see a tree decorated in honor of Poland. Christmas Around the World and Holidays of Light are open from November 16, 2022 until January 4th, 2023, and are included in Museum Entry.

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Close-Up with King Roger

Last night the Chicago Opera Theater held its Close-Up of the 2022/2023 season at the PMA The Close-Up featured an intimate dialogue about Karol Szymanowski’s King Roger, an epic 20th-century work making its Chicago Premiere, with musical performances by COT's Young Artists.

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Tadeusz Kosciuszko’s Name’s Day

Tadeusz Kosciuszko’s Name’s Day - Imieniny - at the Polish Museum of America sponsored by the Chicago Chapter of the Kosciuszko Foundation. Congratulations to this year’s honoree, President of the Polish Museum of America Richard Owsiany.

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130th Anniversary of Ignacy Jan Paderewski in Chicago

On Saturday, October 22, 2022, the Polish Museum of America in cooperation with Glessner House, A National Historic Landmark, in Chicago – organized an amiable and very important meeting for lovers of the life and work of Ignacy Jan Paderewski.

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Chicago Cultural Alliance

While the health ramifications of the pandemic are well known, there was also a loss of group and individual interaction, enforced by government fiat and also a certain reluctance to meet with others until one felt “safe”.

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