A Heartwarming Visit: Mr. Akinori Nishikawa at the PMA

The Polish Museum of America was honored to host Mr. Akinori Nishikawa, Director of the Port of Humanity Tsuruga Museum!

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Happy Polish Mother’s Day!

Today, we gather to celebrate one of the most cherished holidays on the calendar—a day dedicated to honoring and expressing gratitude to our beloved mothers for their unwavering dedication in raising us. On this special occasion, we extend our heartfelt wishes to all the remarkable mothers who selflessly invest their

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What you see is not what you see, and I want you to see what you want to see

The 7th charity exhibition by Dr. Blazej Lojewski, in support of the School and Educational Center for Blind Children in Laski, was held on February 5th at 3 PM at the Polish Museum in America.

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Christmas Ornaments Workshop & Gift Shop Sale

Thank you for your help - dziękujemy za uczestnictwo! Wesołych Świąt - Merry Christmas! The return of the Polish Museum of America’s Christmas workshop for children of all ages and the lighting of the Bethlehem Peace Candle.

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St. Nicolaus day

St. Nicolaus - the only visible evidence of his life and legacy is the magnificent basilica of St. Nicholas in Bari.

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World Refugee Day – June 20

We recall the plight and suffering of millions of women, children and the elderly throughout the world whose lives were terribly impacted by sometimes natural disasters, most often however by armed conflicts.

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Children’s Day (Dzień Dziecka)

Happy Children's Day! In Poland, Dzień Dziecka has been celebrated on June 1st since 1952, when activities and festivities are organized for children by schools, towns, and families. This special day often includes presents, field trips, and outdoor outings that mark the beginning of summer.

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Birthday commemoration of the late Stephen Kusmierczak Sr.

Mr. Stephen Kusmierczak Sr. was born on May 23, 1926 in Poland. In 2011, Stephen Kusmierczak Jr. together with his mother, Elizabeth Ann Kusmierczak ceremoniously opened the Fine Arts Gallery in honor of his parents.

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Pope John Paul II

May marks a number of momentous events for Pope John Paul II, a remarkable man of courage who bore witness before the church and the world to God's Goodness and Mercy.

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Siberian orphans

One hundred years have passed since the successful return of Polish orphans.

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