The official opening of the Museum took place exactly 86 years ago!

86 years ago today, the Museum opened its doors for the first time in the PRCUA Auditorium. Dignitaries from the Polish government, Polish-American organizations, and Chicago officials were all in attendance to celebrate this momentous occasion!

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Siberian orphans

One hundred years have passed since the successful return of Polish orphans.

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Happy Grandparents Day!

Happy Grandparents Day! Wszystkiego najlepszego dla wszystkich Babć i Dziadków! Władysław (1843–1928) and Albertyna Dyniewicz had eight children, and they were blessed with many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

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73 Commemoration of Mieczyslaw Haiman’s death

January 15, we recollect the founder and first director of the PMA - Mieczyslaw Haiman.

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86 years ago

86 years ago, on October 15, 1935, the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America Board of Directors established the Museum and Archives, known today as The Polish Museum of America.

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OnThisDay in 1939 the New York World’s Fair officially opened

#OnThisDay, April 30, 1939 - 152 anniversary of the oath given by the first US President George Washington - the New York World's Fair officially opened.

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275 Birthday of Tadeusz Kosciuszko

Tadeusz Kosciuszko celebrates his 275 birthday today. Here at PMA we are marking this great day for Poland and the world! Born Feb. 4, 1746 near Brzesc, in his 71 years

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OnThisDay in 1939 the New York World’s Fair officially opened

#OnThisDay, April 30, 1939 - 150 anniversary of the oath given by the first US President George Washington - the New York World's Fair officially opened. US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Albert Einstein presided the ceremonies. The Polish Pavilion, which opened on May 3rd – on the 148th anniversary

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