Virtual Pulaski Day 2022

Celebrate Pulaski Day virtually with the Polish Museum of America (PMA) on Monday, March 7, 2022.

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Research work under the supervision of the PMA Archivists

Research work under the supervision of the Archivists takes place in the PMA Art Gallery, which has been specially adapted for this purpose.

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The Polish Museum of America mourns the passing of Włodek Zuterek

The Polish Museum of America mourns the passing of Włodek Zuterek, who performed at numerous events and celebrations at the PMA during the past decade. Funeral Mass for the late Włodek Zuterek will be held on Friday, February 18 at 4:30 pm, at St. Ladislaus (5345 Roscoe St., Chicago, IL

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103 anniversary of the League of Nations

On this day 103 years ago, January 25, 1919, the League of Nations was conceived by the Paris Peace Conference.

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costume room

Costume room

The Polish Museum of America is pleased to announce that the Costume Room modernization project was completed in December 2021.

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73 Commemoration of Mieczyslaw Haiman’s death

January 15, we recollect the founder and first director of the PMA - Mieczyslaw Haiman.

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The Polish Museum of America celebrates 85 years since its opening…

The Polish Museum of America celebrates 85 years since opening its door to the public.

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