Happy World Book and Copyright Day!

On April 23 we celebrate the magic of books and the joy of reading! As the Polish Museum of America, we believe in the power of literature to connect us across time, cultures, and generations.

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Happy International Day for Monuments and Sites!

On April 18th, we celebrate the International Day for Monuments and Sites! As custodians of cultural heritage, we recognize the importance of preserving and protecting our diverse monuments and sites.

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Happy World Art Day!

April 15 marks World Art Day, a global celebration dedicated to fostering the development, dissemination, and appreciation of art, as declared during the 40th session of UNESCO’s General Conference in 2019.

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Happy Pi Day!

On March 14 we're celebrating the fascinating world of numbers and equations as we join the global festivities for the World Day of Mathematics! UNESCO's 40th General Conference declared March 14 as the International Day of Mathematics back in November 2019. That's why we affectionately call Pi Day!

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Today we celebrated – World Art Day

Today, April 15th, marks World Art Day, a global celebration of the arts and their essential role in our lives. It promotes creativity, cultural diversity, and freedom of expression while providing an opportunity to reflect on the value and impact of the arts.

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World Book Day

On #WorldBookDay, UNESCO reminds us of the power books have as symbols of hope and social change.

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World Day of Mathematics

UNESCO established a worldwide day of appreciation for the discipline of math featuring this year a special global set of short presentations about mathematics by speakers in 5 languages.

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