Spotkanie z Adamem Lizakowskim w Muzeum Polskim w Ameryce

W czwartek 30 maja 2024 r. odbyło się w Muzeum Polskim w Ameryce (MPA) polskojęzyczne spotkanie z autorem. MPA miało przyjemność gościć poetę i autora, Adama Lizakowskiego, który długie lata spędził w Kalifornii i Chicago, ale od kilkunastu już lat mieszka w Polsce.

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“Wspólnota Polska” delegation visit at the PMA and PRCUA

Today, the Polish Museum of America (PMA) hosted a delegation composed of: President of the Polish Community Association, Mr. Dariusz Piotr Bonisławski and his associates, representatives of TVP and Polsat, as well as representatives of local governments in Poland.

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130th Anniversary of Ignacy Jan Paderewski in Chicago

On Saturday, October 22, 2022, the Polish Museum of America in cooperation with Glessner House, A National Historic Landmark, in Chicago – organized an amiable and very important meeting for lovers of the life and work of Ignacy Jan Paderewski.

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The 75th Anniversary Gala of the Polish American Medical Society

The meeting was attended by medical professionals, museum representatives (Richard Owsiany, Malgorzata Kot and Jan Lorys) and many special guests including prof. Tomasz Grodzki, Marshal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, dr. Waldemar Kraska, Secretary of State, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Poland, prof. Alicja

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Meet the Author – Regina Wasiak-Taylor

The Polish Museum of America Library hosted a “Meet the Author” Polish-language event with author Regina Wasiak-Taylor.

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Spotkanie z historią

Spotkanie z historią – wizyta delegacji z Polski, połączona z wykładem prezesa IPN dr. Karola Nawrockiego.

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Tytus Brzozowski and Polonika Institute visit to Chicago

On November 12 the Polish Museum of America, in cooperation with the Polonika Institute hosted a "Meet the Artist" reception and official exhibit opening of "12 Cities" by Polish artist Tytus Brzozowski.

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PMA Bids Farewell to Consul Piotr Semeniuk

On August 23, 2021, The Polish Museum of America and the Polish Teachers Association hosted a farewell reception for Consul Piotr Semeniuk and his wife Leonarda Semeniuk.

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Is a medical career right for me?

Polish American Medical Society Annual Conference and Networking: Is a medical career right for me?

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Kolorowa tradycja świąt

Tworzenie polskich ozdób choinkowych w ramach warsztatów z Muzeum Polskim w Ameryce po raz dziesiąty.

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